Fat Burning Foods: TOP 6 Foods That Burn Abdominal Fat. Like Points

de Adailton... | 11/08/2021

Fat Burning Foods: TOP 6 Foods That Burn Abdominal Fat.

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Fat Burning Foods: TOP 6 Foods That Burn Abdominal Fat.

First on our list is the apple.

Easy to be found year-round and sweet, apple is a common fruit, but rich in properties that benefit the whole organism.

Apples contain vitamin C, flavonoids and beta-carotene, substances that help increase the metabolic rate
and satisfy hunger between meals. Furthermore, apples are rich in pectin, a substance that helps to eliminate cholesterol.

The recommendation is that you eat 1 to 2 apples a day.

The second item on our list is green tea.

Green tea has some substances present that help in weight loss, but always associated with healthy eating and exercise.

Green tea is able to increase fat burning and can speed up metabolism. This is because the xanthine present in green tea causes cells to burn up to twice as much fat, so this food acts as a promoter of abdominal fat burning.

The third item on our list is Nuts.

Nuts are rich in nutrients important for health, such as the amino acid arginine, omega 3, omega 6, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and potassium. These compounds help the body in different ways. In addition to these nutrients, nuts have a high caloric value and should be consumed in moderation. The indication made by nutritionists is 6 to 10 units, or 30 g per day.

Nuts and other oilseeds such as hazelnuts, and almonds help control hunger, as well as help control metabolic syndrome, which results in excess abdominal fat, high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure.

Fourth on our list is Vegetables.

Vegetables are essential for health. They are sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, alkalize and strengthen the blood and facilitate digestion

Vegetables should also be consumed in any healthy diet, especially those that are richer

in fiber such as spinach and broccoli as they reduce fat absorption. If you make a salad, drizzle with
olive oil as it helps fight cholesterol in addition to fighting abdominal fat.

The fifth item on the list, it could not be missing, are Foods rich in omega 3.

Omega 3 is a type of fat that has several benefits for the human body. It is a type of fatty acid that the body does not produce and, therefore, it is necessary to look for foods rich in this substance.

Among the foods that provide a greater amount of omega 3 are salmon, sardines, tuna, cod, flaxseed and walnuts.

The consumption of foods rich in omega 3 helps to lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, is excellent for health, and helps to reduce excess abdominal fat.

The sixth and last on our list is White Meat.

White meat is the most recommended when it is indicated to reduce fat in the diet.
White meat is a great source of protein, and consuming lean meat is essential in a weight-loss diet.

Give preference to white meat such as turkey or chicken.

They have lesser amount of fat;
Lower amount of total cholesterol;
Better digestion than compared to red meat;
Greater amount of easily absorbed fats, and much more.

Those were the 6 foods that burn abdominal fat.

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