de Marco... | 29/11/2021

Longan Fruit Benefits

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What is longan fruit?

Longan, is a fruit also known as a dragon's eye, due to its shape and exotic appearance. It is widely used for medicinal purposes in other countries, mainly in Asia.

Longan fruit taste:

Besides being nutritious, this is also a very versatile fruit. Its properties and also its appearance, are similar to the lychee fruit. But the taste reminds the melon, very sweet.

So, what are the benefits of consuming longan fruit?

1st. Combats constipation.

Excellent source of fiber, helps intestinal functioning. Therefore, it prevents or combats constipation. In this way, it is also possible to relieve abdominal swelling, due to constipation.

2nd. More relaxing sleep.

Longan, helps promote a more relaxing and calm sleep. Therefore, it is possible, that the fruit also helps to relieve symptoms, of stress and anxiety.

3. Helps prevent anemia.

This is a fruit rich, not only in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, but also in minerals, including iron.

Iron is an essential mineral, for blood health and helps prevent the diagnosis of anemia.

4. It helps in the treatment of colds.

In addition to helping to strengthen immunity, it can help in the treatment of colds.

Basically, due to its antiviral properties, it not only prevents colds and flu, but can also relieve your symptoms.

5th. It improves the appearance of the skin.

The vitamin in its composition, offers more health to the skin, leaving it looking healthier.

In addition, the fruit slows down premature aging, as it contains vitamin C in abundance.

This vitamin causes, the production of collagen to increase, which leaves the skin firmer and smoother.

Its antioxidant action, promotes the removal of free radicals from the body, which helps to reduce spots and wrinkles.

The dragon eye tree can be found in Vietnam.

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